Dogphone is it a phone for dogs ?
No, but Yes.
Because Mousephone is for linking money-to-money like Nokia is for connecting people.
Soppra tutto, Mousephone 4G3W (code name of the webcashmotor's App) is opening the money datevaluation economic practice to reach wealth. And the personal_economic_activity by Mousephone is making happen the new Economy 4G3W.
And that Economy contains any Animalphones and Droid_G_biophones, just after the IoT (Internet of Things).
Look at my Skin-Screened-Biofone. Is thinking about it ?
Is it a Vod_a_fone, or simply Make_DoGoogle_4G3W_Trusting_Up_Your_Wellbeing ? Nobody knows. Because it will be or not so soon by GoogleDependingNest, my Dear.
By Filipe Alves Ferreira (27.05.1942)